Concientia et Sapientia

Knowledge and Wisdom. The foulposts that I aim to hit home runs between.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

What a week

I've been meaning to pontificate quite this week, but witha new job, writing deadlines, and just plain dead tiredness, it hasn't happened. Harriet Meirs fell on her sword, but not really because she still has her job at the White House. It's disturbing that loyalty is first and foremost in this administration. Miers withdrew because she couldn't build support, but her first stated reason: To protect George Bush. I was relieved when she gave up, because I think she would have made a bad justice, (lack of experience) and she wouldn't be able to vote on any case stemming from anything she advised the President on. Not that she would, I can't imagine she'd recuse herself, but she would have to by common decency.
Of course, "Scooter" Libby's indictment is great news. The investigation into treason needs to keep going. We need to find out who ordered the outing and why. Two years of obstructionist actions on the administrations left us with the cover-up.

Here's the big one, thought. When Tom Delay was booked, there was this silly smile on his face, and I saw the Daily Show with video of Delay (presumably) walking into or out of the booking. The video shows him wearing a blue tie. The "mug shot" has him in a red tie. When I first saw the "Mug Shot" I thought something was wrong. No numbers, no ruler in the background showing his height, nothing that looked like any other mug shot, so I guess it was a publicity photo. If the video shows a different tie, then he either changed ties, or they didn't release the mug shot. It's not a big point, just one more little lie in an ocean of falsehoods, but is the American Media really that blind?


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