Concientia et Sapientia

Knowledge and Wisdom. The foulposts that I aim to hit home runs between.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Conspiracy Theory

Karl Rove ensured the election and re-election of Bill Clinton. Why? We're learning over and over again how the Bush administration has broken almost every law and ethical rule to achieve whatever Machiavelian goals they have. The only way Americans can learn the truth about this and bring Bush and his cronies--or rather, Rove and his cronies--to justice is to appoint a special prosecuting attorney. We can no longer do this because the special prosecutor no longer exists.
Rove managed to do this by arranging for George Bush the Elder to lose the '92 election. Any Democrat would do. We were just lucky that it was Bill Clinton. Right after the election Kenneth Starr was given the task of finding and/or fabricating an impeachable charge against Clinton. I'm sure Rove would have liked to defeat Clinton in '96, but as the first Clinton administration rolled along, Starr couldn't get anything. He was given four tries to come up with something, even using Linda Tripp in all four cases against Clinton, but he finally had to trump up charges. (Doesn't that strike anyone else as odd? When Edwin Meese was being investigated multiple times there were different special prosecuting attorneys assinged to each task.)
It doesn't matter if Clinton was guilty of anything or not. The important thing was for the special prosecutor to abuse his position and offend every honest and decent American, which Starr did by getting pornography onto the Congressional Records.
When the special prosecutor role was up for renewal in 2001 or 2002, it was Kenneth Starr himself who argued for the removal of the position based on his own experiences with abusing his authority and ripping off the taxpayers, who funded his six-year panty raid.
Now there is no real hope for finding out what is really going on behind the closed doors of the Bush administration. Our government is lying to us, directed by Karl Rove, and there is nothing we can do about it. We can't rely on the media, because the Bush administration had bought journalists and even created their own fake journalists (Karen Ryan, Jeff Gannon, etc.) to assure that no hard questions will be asked, and no investigative reporting will occur on Bush's watch.
Never play chess with Karl Rove, because he's already captured your queen and placed his rook right next to your king, and he always plays white.


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