Concientia et Sapientia

Knowledge and Wisdom. The foulposts that I aim to hit home runs between.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Revenge of the Who?

I think Lucas is trying to fool us again. I remember back when Return of the Jedi came out there was a release that the film would be called Revenge of the Jedi, which Lucas claimed was only a working title and the studio went to work promoting the movie early with the wrong name.

Revenge of the Jedi. Revenge of the Sith. I think Lucas is hiding the real title of Episode 3 and he should have released the name as "Episode 3: Jar Jar kicks ass, chews bubblegum, and takes names."

Of course, in 8 months or so when the movie is released as "Revenge of the Sith" I'll be a little embarrased by this post. I'm also embarrased by my first wedding, but I'm trying to live with no regrets for my mistakes, just corrections.


  • At 10:29 AM, Blogger Josh English said…

    Needless to say, Lucas has used fake titles for most of his movies. Blue Harvest, Red Harvest, Red Five Going In.

    Wait a sec, that last one is just a corny line.


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