Concientia et Sapientia

Knowledge and Wisdom. The foulposts that I aim to hit home runs between.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Old Friends

I like starting to read a book more than I like to finish them. It's frustrating to realize that I'm not balancing my reading at all. I am currently reading God's Secretaries, The Battle for God, and The Gnostic Gospels as part of my "new" books. In the last week I've also picked up some Science Fiction: Manifest Destiny by Barry Longyear, Their Master's War and The Long Orbit by Mick Farren, the Adversary Cycle by F. Paul Wilson, the Myst books by Rand Miller, and most of Terry Pratchetts Discworld series sits next to my chair ready to be flipped through at a moments notice. I also have the "Great Books of the Western World" collection and at least four volumes are on my bedside table. Most recently St. Augustines Confessions.

Why can't I just pick up a book, keep it with me at all times, and read it until the last page? I blame television, of course. Television trained me to have a very small attention span. I use it to my advantage but it means juggling a lot of stories at the same time.

It was real fun when I interviewed at the University of Portland and they asked me what I was currently reading. I had 10 titles off the top of my head.


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