Concientia et Sapientia

Knowledge and Wisdom. The foulposts that I aim to hit home runs between.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

O'Reilly invites al Qaeda to attack San Francisco

Bill O'Reilly has done it again. He has proven that he has no loyalty to America or to the policies of this President. By inviting al Qaeda to attack San Francisco and stating that they shouldn't get any federal help, he has demonstrated that he wants to see another 9/11-type attack on United States soil. Isn't this an act of treason? If a foriegn leader had said this, you can be sure O'Reilly would be screaming until he was red in the face that we need to kill whoever said it or throw him out of power.
What's got O'Reilly so upset? A ballot urging the high schools and colleges to ban military recruitment on campus. IS this so bad? The public has a right to influence what it taught in the classroom and the safety of their students on public grounds. We ask the schools to take care of our children why they are there, we ask them to teach what is necessary to thrive in our culture, we ask them to keep them safe. How is it wrong to deny military recruiters on campus? By keeping them away from the military we are keeping them safer.
The real funny thing about this: I don't mind military recruiters on campus. I don't trust that the military will be allowed to keep promises of VA benefits or the GI Bill, but that's because this President has been cutting the funds for those programs. I lost my best friend while he was in the Navy training for the first Iraq invasion (you know, the one that most of the rest of the world supported). As longs as the military recruiters don't overstep the bounds of all recruiters things should be fine. I haven't heard of any military recruiters pestering students, or scaring them or threatening them to sign up.
Let the recruiters in. Banning them is the same as banning religious colleges and universities from promoting themselves on campus. The only group I would ban are teh non-accredited "universities" like Bob Jones.


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